Order Disclaimer

No two pieces of reclaimed wood are alike- even material that is sourced from the same barn or tree will vary in color, texture, and quality. This is one of the unique features that makes authentic barn wood so amazing! 

It is the nature of salvaged wood to have nail holes, knot holes, stains, cracks, splits, worm holes, mortise holes, and irregular thickness or widths.

Our stock photos are approximations of finished looks and will vary slightly depending on the material used for your order. The photos may not depict the full range of color and texture variation present in your final product. There is almost always variation between individual pieces of natural wood/ material. If you are concerned about the lightness, darkness, tint and texture between pieces then we don’t feel reclaimed wood is the best option for you.

The possible presence of dirt, metal, paint (including lead-based paint) and other contaminants may occur. We highly recommend barn wood be sealed with a clear coat. See out section on how to care for reclaimed wood.

We are not liable for installation issues or problems that arise during installation including mistakes in calculating the amount of material or improper installation. We recommend you order more material/wall package than needed by 15-20% to account for cuts/trimming.

Our products are sold as-isWe do our best to pick material that we would personally use for our own projects. If you feel you have received a product that is unsatisfactory, please contact us.